Exclusive: Women finding themselves trapped in the cycle of constant consumption

Across Afghanistan, many women find themselves trapped in a cycle of constant consumption. From purchasing new clothes to replacing household items, the drive to be noticed by relatives and peers has become a prominent feature of daily life.

Interviews conducted by Salam Watandar with 13 women from various provinces reveal a concerning trend. The overwhelming desire to maintain social status and stay fashionable has led many women to spend beyond their means.

Marwa, a 28-year-old resident of Kabul, says that due to the expectations of her relatives, she feels compelled to buy a new outfit for every event in order to earn respect. “Social pressure has made me buy more clothes than I need. What motivates me is that there are so many weddings, and I don’t want to wear the same outfit or appear in outdated clothes when meeting relatives. New clothes affect your social status; people show respect to those who are well-dressed and organized,” she explained.

Kamela, a 27-year-old woman living in Kapisa, also shares that she buys more clothes than necessary because she does not want to appear with outdated clothes among her friends or relatives. “I buy more than what I need sometimes because of my style, my job, and my social circles. I am encouraged to buy stylish and up-to-date clothes to match my own taste.”

The interviewees in this report are highly educated or have some level of higher education, with some being unmarried and others married with children.

Many of them believe that wearing fashionable clothes and constantly upgrading household items help them gain a better position in the eyes of their friends and relatives. This has led some of them to spend considerable amounts of money on new clothes and home furnishings.

Tabasum, 24, and Sadaf, 29, both married and living in Kabul, make efforts to change their home furnishings even when they are still in good condition because they want to stay up-to-date.

Tabasum says, “Every year, I have to change my home furniture. Although it’s not really old, I can’t have furniture that is outdated or no longer in fashion. The more luxurious and new it is, the better I feel.”

Sadaf, on the other hand, agrees, saying, “I am very particular about the furnishings in my house, as well as the clothes for myself and my children. I always try to have the best. I’m used to repainting my house and replacing the curtains and carpets frequently because I love to have the latest models of everything.”

The interviews with these women reveal that for some, consumerism is not just a habit but an effort to maintain their social standing, which is intertwined with their self-confidence and sense of satisfaction.

Mursal, a 23-year-old from Kabul, explains: “When I replace my clothes and kitchen items every year, choosing newer and more expensive models, I feel like I’m above my friends and relatives and that I have a better life.”

Malalai, a 30-year-old from Balkh, adds: “Having old furniture feels like I’m lagging behind when I see new items in stores. Every time I buy new clothes or a new item for the house, it boosts my confidence and makes me feel like I’m not missing out on anything.”

While these women are engaged in consumerism, sociologists argue that excessive materialism driven by competition with others can lead to unhealthy rivalry between families.

Ahmad Rashed Sediqi, a sociologist, highlights that in a country like Afghanistan, where families struggle financially, consumerism often carries more negative consequences than positive. “In a society where families are already facing financial challenges, materialism and competition can exacerbate negative impacts. It can lead to extravagant spending, affect future generations, and foster unhealthy competition,” he says.

Sociologists believe that by educating women about the economic, social, and psychological consequences of materialism, they can be encouraged to make informed choices and avoid unhealthy rivalries.
