Radio Nasim in Daykundi resumes broadcasting after 5 months

NILI CITY, DAYKUNDI (SW) – The local Radio “Nasim” in Daykundi province, located in the central part of Afghanistan, which was shut down more than five months ago by the de-facto government of the Islamic Emirate, resumed its broadcasts on Saturday.

Gaza war is the deadliest for journalists – CPJ

MONITORING (SW) – The head of the Committee to Protect Journalists, Judy Ginsburg, has told Al Jazeera that the body has called on Israel to investigate accusations of crimes against journalists in the Gaza Strip.

Quadrilateral meeting on Afghanistan to be held soon

KABUL (SW) – The Special Representative of the Russian President for Afghanistan affairs, Zamir Kabulov, announces the upcoming quadrilateral meeting on Afghanistan by the end of January 2024, as reported by the TASS news agency.