Health ministry conducts competitive exam for 450 vacant positions

KABUL (SW) – The Administrative Reform and Civil Services Authority has conducted a competitive exam for 450 specialized positions within the Ministry of Public Health in Kabul.

Officials from the authority report that 3,585 individuals were deemed eligible to participate in the exam and will compete for vacant positions in grades four, five, and six.

Assuring the exam’s transparency, head of the authority Shahzad Noor Rashed said: “This is an electronic exam that does not tolerate manipulation. We promise that no deception will occur, and the exam will be conducted fairly and accurately.”

Officials from the Ministry of Public Health under the Islamic Emirate also emphasize the growing need for professional staff and mention that more qualified individuals will be appointed to the ministry’s vacant positions through free competition.

Noor Jalal Jalali, the acting Minister of Public Health, mentioned that Afghanistan’s healthcare sector currently faces various challenges, and efforts to address them are ongoing. “The Emir has ordered that professional staff be recruited transparently and through the Administrative Reform and Civil Services Authority, to bridge the gap between the government and the people,” he said.

Saifuddin Tayeb, Deputy Minister for Administrative Affairs, urged the Ministry of Public Health to ensure that successful candidates are appointed without discrimination. “Those who perform well and achieve high scores should be selected without bias. Transparency and integrity should be considered in the hiring process, and truly qualified individuals should be employed.”

Participants in the competitive exam also urge on the de-facto government officials to ensure that all government employees are hired through open competition.

Munir, a participant in the exam, said, “Our request from the National Examination Authority and the Administrative Reform and Civil Services Authority is to conduct the exam with the same transparency so that young people who have studied and worked hard can achieve their goals.”

According to data provided by the Ministry of Public Health, a total of 8,500 professional positions across various departments of the ministry are expected to be filled through free competition this year.
