Water shortage puts Nimruz farmers’ livelihood at risk

ZARANJ (SW) – Farmers in Nimruz province are struggling due to severe water shortages, impacting their livelihoods amid the intense heat.

Many residents work tirelessly from dawn until dusk, yet they voice their frustrations over insufficient water supplies and government neglect, which have made their lives increasingly difficult and have harmed their crops.

Ghulam Sarwar, a local farmer, shares his plight: “For four years, we have been suffering from water shortages. Each year, we cultivate melons, watermelons, wheat, and barley, but we face losses. Without water, life is very challenging.”

Fifty-year-old Mohammad Mirzaie also lamented the minimal harvests from his wheat fields this year, highlighting the ongoing issue.

Ghulam Sakhi Temori, a resident of the Khashrud district, expressed concern over the lack of access to water, stating that residents cannot afford to dig deep wells as water levels continue to drop. He pleads for assistance: “In our area, there are 40 to 50 deep wells. People cannot lower the boreholes to access the water we need. We need help; we need good plans and engineers. No one has assisted us so far.”

The farmers in Nimruz urge the de-facto government and relevant organizations to take immediate action to address the water crisis in the province.

Water experts in Nimruz recommend solutions such as drilling deep wells, constructing water dams, and strategically releasing water from the Kamal Khan Dam when needed.

Zabiullah Walizada, a water expert, emphasized: “More dams should be built, and the released water from the Kamal Khan Dam should align with farmers’ needs. In Delaram, Khashrud, and Zaranj districts, there is fresh water, but levels have dropped significantly, requiring deep wells. If the government or organizations support farmers, they should enable access to underground water.”

Abdul Qahar Nasir, head of the Nimruz  water sub office, acknowledges the water crisis and mentions that recent temporary releases from the Kamal Khan Dam have partially alleviated the farmers’ water shortages.

Despite the dam’s construction intended to resolve these issues, years later, farmers in Nimruz  continue to face significant water challenges, threatening their agricultural production.
