Doha conference linked to Islamic Emirate’s interaction with world

MONITORING (SW) – Stephane Dujarric, spokesperson for the United Nations Secretary-General, has stated the forthcoming Doha Conference is aimed at encouraging the Islamic Emirate to interact with the world.

Days ahead of the conference, he said in a statement that the purpose of the Doha meeting is “to encourage the Islamic Emirate to interact with the international community through a coordinated and structured approach for the benefit of the Afghan people”.

The third meeting of the special representatives of the countries for Afghanistan, hosted by Antonio Guterres, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, is scheduled for June 30 and July 1.

A number of experts on political issues say that the UN and its member states must have a unified approach to bring Afghanistan out of isolation and return to the world community.

Mohammad Baqer Mohseni, an expert on political issues, says that the United Nations has failed to solve the issues of Afghanistan due to the differences of opinion among the member countries of this organization. He adds: “In order for the international community and the Islamic Emirate to reach a favorable result in this meeting, the Islamic Emirate must accept some of the world’s demands based on values ​​and for the benefit of the people, such as human rights, women’s rights, and the creation of a comprehensive government to come out of  the isolation.”

Zia Hussaini, another expert on political issues, says that the Islamic Emirate and the United Nations may reach a common point of view in the third Doha meeting. He adds: “The Islamic Emirate needs to communicate with the world to solve humanitarian  problems, provide economic aid and activate banking services. The world also needs interaction with the Islamic Emirate to solve humanitarian problems and impacts of the natural disasters. This meeting can be a productive meeting and the two sides may reach a common point of view.”

Stephen Dujarric, the spokesperson of the United Nations Secretary-General, did not say anything about the agenda of the Doha meeting, but he emphasized that the Doha meetings are part of a process and the issues of women and civil society of Afghanistan will also be part of this process.

We attempted to have the opinion of the Islamic Emirate regarding the statements of the spokesperson of the UN Secretary-General, but no not succeeded..

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the de-facto government had previously announced that the third Doha meeting will discuss issues related to Afghanistan’s private sector, financial and banking problems, and the fight against narcotics.
