Revenue collection improves at Nimroz customs

NIMROZ (SW) – Officials in Nimroz claim there is a surge in revenue collection at the customs in the province.

Habibaullah Elham, head of information and culture in Nimroz, told Salam Watandar that since the establishment of the Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan, the province’s customs revenues have increased. According to him, the daily revenue of Nimroz customs reaches 20 to 30 million afghanis.

The head of Nimroz Information and Culture Department said the increase in the province’s customs revenues were due to the elimination of corruption and the provision of more trade facilities for traders.

A number of Nimroz civil society activists are taking the increase in the province’s customs revenues as a good omen and are urging officials to use the collected revenues in the development and reconstruction of the country.

“Increasing revenues will help build the country’s infrastructure aand development projects, and this investment will help the country prosper,” said Mahmoud Hamidi, a civil society activist in Nimroz.

Officials at the Nimroz Information and Culture Department also say that more than 100 commercial consignments are currently exported daily through Nimroz.

