Pakistan rejects extension of residency permits for Afghan migrants

KABUL/ ISLAMABAD (SW) – Pakistani media have reported that the country has rejected the Islamic Emirate’s request for an extension of residency permits for Afghan migrants.

As a result, all Afghans holding the Afghan Citizen Card (ACC) in Pakistan will be forcibly deported to Afghanistan starting April 1.

Officials at the Ministry of Repatriation and Refugees (MoRR) under the de-facto government have stated that the Islamic Emirate seeks good relations with neighboring countries, and that they are committed to preventing the forced expulsion of Afghan migrants.

Abdul Mutaleb Haqqani, spokesperson for the ministry, said that officials from this ministry have held meetings with representatives from both Iran and Pakistan on the matter. However, despite these discussions, Pakistan has decided to proceed with the forced deportation of Afghan migrants.

“The Islamic Emirate seeks good relations with all countries, especially neighboring ones. We have had meetings with Pakistani officials, and now, while they plan to unilaterally expel migrants, we are fully prepared to welcome them back and provide support for their relocation. We are ready to assist all Afghans returning to their homeland,” he said.

Pakistan has given Afghan ACC cardholders until March 31 to leave the country. Around 800,000 Afghan migrants in Pakistan hold this card and face the risk of forced expulsion.

Abdullah Mohammadi, an Afghan migrant in Pakistan, expressed concern over the increasing restrictions imposed by Pakistan on Afghan migrants, leading to severe challenges. “Unfortunately, recently, Pakistan has imposed strict restrictions on migrants, causing us significant difficulties. The police carry out group raids on migrant homes, both day and night, detaining them and transferring them, forcing us to live in very difficult and unsafe conditions.”

The forced deportation of Afghan migrants from Pakistan began in November 2023, and so far, over 800,000 migrants have been deported.

Mirwais Khawarin, another Afghan migrant in Pakistan, expressed concern about the mental health impacts of the forced expulsions. “Afghan migrants here are facing numerous challenges and are all dealing with psychological and emotional stress. Everyone is worried about being deported back to Afghanistan, and many have already been deported,” he said.

The High Commission for Refugees has urged Afghanistan’s neighboring countries to refrain from immediate and forced deportations of Afghan migrants.
