Meeting on Torkham border reopening set to take place

The executive director of the Nangarhar Chamber of Commerce and Investment, Shakerullah Safi, has stated that a second meeting will take place between Afghan and Pakistani traders to discuss the reopening of the Torkham border crossing.

He said that the meeting would be held on Monday, in the Torkham town, located on the Afghan side of the Durand Line.

Safi added that the meeting is organized by the Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Investment and will feature 27 Afghan traders and 37 Pakistani traders, along with prominent tribal leaders from both sides.

This meeting comes after the first session, held a few days ago, which ended without any agreement, and the second session had initially been called off.

The closure of the Torkham border crossing has now entered its 25th day. Torkham is one of the vital trade and transit routes between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesperson for the Islamic Emirate, previously stated that talks to reopen the Torkham gate are still ongoing, but Pakistan has yet to agree to its reopening.

“Efforts have been made to reopen Torkham, but the Pakistani side has not yet been convinced to open the gate. Meetings and discussions are still ongoing,” he said.

The Torkham crossing was closed on February 21, due to border tensions between Pakistan and the Islamic Emirate.

The Pakistani Ministry of Foreign Affairs had previously said that the crossing would not reopen until the Islamic Emirate halts construction activities along the border.
