Progress on TAPI project generates hope for prosperity

KABUL (SW) – After the practical work of the TAPI project started in Afghanistan, the hopes for providing job opportunities and improving the economic situation of Afghanistan have increased.

A number of Kabul residents are happy with the start of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan- Pakistan- India (TAPI) pipeline project and say that more projects must be implemented to improve the economic status of citizens and create job opportunities.

Shafiullah, a resident of Kabul, expresses hope that alongside the TAPI project, other projects will also commence. He adds: “I hope people find jobs and can stay busy with work; because they are forced to go to Iran and Pakistan due to unemployment.”

Economic experts indicate that the implementation of large projects will contribute to economic growth and the expansion of Afghanistan’s relations with other countries.

Lal Zazai, an economic expert, says that the TAPI project could strengthen Afghanistan’s economic ties with other nations. “This project plays a significant role in improving Afghanistan’s economic relations in the region and can provide many job opportunities within the country.”

Another economic expert, Zaher Behzad, also stated: “The transit rights for Afghanistan from the TAPI project are between $450 to $500 million annually, and it will also supply Afghanistan with a substantial amount of gas. Additionally, it has the potential to provide electricity to the western zone.”

Abdul Rahman Habib, spokesperson for the Ministry of Economy, says that the Islamic Emirate is determined to implement large projects, particularly TAPI. He adds: “The implementation of large projects will create thousands of job opportunities, increase national revenue, and transform Afghanistan into an economic corridor among regional countries.”

TAPI is a joint project among Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India, which involves the transportation gas from Turkmenistan through Herat, Helmand, and Kandahar to South Asia.

The practical work on the TAPI project began two in September 11, with the presence of officials from the Islamic Emirate, Turkmenistan, India, and Pakistan.
