Over 562 lives lost within three months

MAIMANA CITY (SW) – Residents of Faryab, particularly Ahmad Hamidi, are reeling from the aftermath of a recent traffic incident in Maimana, the central of the province, where 11 members of Ahmad family lost their lives, and four others were injured.

He blames reckless driving as the primary cause of the tragic accident. “Due to excessive speed, the vehicle veered off the road, resulting in fatalities and injuries among its passengers.”

According to official statistics provided to Salam Watandar by the General Directorate of Traffic Police of the Ministry of Interior Affairs, since March 20, there have been 1,265 traffic incidents nationwide, resulting in 562 fatalities and 1,792 injuries.

Authorities identify the lack of traffic signals on highways, road defects, and reckless driving as major contributors to traffic incidents in the country.

According to information from the General Directorate of Traffic Police of the Ministry of Interior, during March to June, Kabul witnessed 166 traffic incidents, followed by Herat with 120 incidents, Ghazni with 105 incidents, and Samangan with 100 incidents, topping the list of provinces with the highest number of traffic incidents in the country.

Meanwhile, Biamillah Habib, the deputy spokesperson for the Ministry of Interior, urges drivers to adhere to traffic rules and regulations, especially during Eid al-Adha, to prevent further tragedies.

He emphasizes, “To prevent traffic accidents during the Eid holidays, we kindly request drivers to observe traffic rules and regulations while driving.”
