MOMDA’s capacity building seminar concludes, enhancing administrative efficiency

KABUL (SW) – The 14-day seminar, which was held in Kabul city with the aim of capacity building of the Ministry of Martyrs and Disabled Affairs (MOMDA) staff, ended on Sunday.

Abdul Hakim Haqani, the Deputy Minister of the MOMDA, calls on the ministry’s departments and directorates, and says, “Feel responsible for your duties, the responsibility we have to do promptly, you have to do your job seriously, in some provinces and departments, clients wait for a directors’ signature many days.”

Considering the seminar to be effective, Faisal Khamosh, the spokesperson of the MOMDA states that 170 heads, managers, and administrative employees of this ministry from Kabul and other provinces have participated in this seminar.

“The matters related to administrative work have been taught in this seminar, a number of them came from the center and a number from provinces, which include financial and administrative managers. After 14 days, this training course ended,” he added.

On the other hand, a number of participants of this seminar say that holding such programs is effective for improving their capacity to carry out administrative work.

Abdul Wali Samim, an employee of the financial and administrative of the Directorate of Martyrs and Disabled Affairs in Faryab province, says: “We were taught administrative skills, planning, how to manage work plans, reconciling accounts, monitoring and evaluating the budget.”

Hewad Maneli, the head of the financial and administrative of the Directorate of Martyrs and Disabled Affairs in Paktia province, also says: “Previously, we had multiple works. In the past, the process of working was not regular in the provinces and directorates. After the launch of this seminar, we are doing things regularly based on permanent principles.”

Officials of the Ministry of Martyrs and Disabled Affairs say that this ministry has held seven training courses in the past two years to promote the working capacity of its administrative employees.
