A roadside book fair held in Ghor

GHOR (SW) – A roadside book fair was held in Firuzkuh City, the central district of Ghor on Wednesday, December 7.

This book fair has been set up next to the central square of Firuzkuh city.

Officials of Ghor say that this fair has been held to Promote the culture of study among youth.

“Holding book fairs can bring positive changes”, they added.

Abdul-Wahid Hamas, the spokesperson of Ghor governor, says that dozens of different books have been exhibited.

He adds: “The important sources and books have been exhibited in this fair which youth can use and increase their awareness.”

On the other hand, Abdulhai Zaeem, head of the Information and Culture of Ghor, praises the efforts of youth in this province and says that they support such educational programs to develop the culture of study.

A number of visitors from this fair say that holding such exhibitions is effective, and they ask other young people and scholars to launch similar exhibitions in the future.

