KABUL (SW) – Officials at the Afghanistan Railway Authority say that they have agreed on the construction and development of the railway network in Afghanistan during a meeting with the delegations of Uzbekistan and the United Arab Emirates that came to Kabul last Saturday.
The spokesperson of the Railway Authority, Samiullah Durrani, told Salam Watandar that in this tripartite meeting, it was decided that the technical team of the United Arab Emirates and Uzbekistan will come to Kabul for the purpose of developing the railway network in Afghanistan, and here they will meet with the Afghan side and work together on a mechanism.
At the same time, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Transport, Imamuddin Ahmadi told Salam Watandar that this was the first meeting and it will continue in the future. According to him, in this meeting, among other issues, the three sides discussed mining in Afghanistan, transportation of commercial goods, transit and connecting South and Central Asia through Afghans.
This tripartite meeting is held when a high-ranking Uzbek delegation visited some other transit and highways of the country, including Torkham port, during their trip to Afghanistan last month.
Economic analysts believe that the contribution of neighboring countries in many fields, including the construction and development of the railway network, will play an important role in the economic strengthening of Afghanistan.
Economic affairs analyst Shakir Yaqoubi told Salam Watandar that Afghanistan is weak in terms of domestic possibilities and needs the cooperation of regional and world countries in economic and trade fields.
The United Arab Emirates and Uzbekistan are showing interest in the construction and development of railways in Afghanistan at a time when Afghanistan is now connected with Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Iran through the Mazar-e-Sharif-Hiratan, Khawaf-Herat, Aqeena-Andakhoi and Turghondai railways.