Paktia residents feel neglect in healthcare

GARDEZ (SW) – Shawak, Gardasiri and Wazi Zadran are the three districts in Paktia, which have not received much attention in terms of health in the past 20 years.

Residents of these districts complain that they are not provided full health services and they are facing many problems like in the past.

They say that the clinics built in the district centers are far from residential areas and people do not have easy access to them. According to them, in these clinics, there is neither medicine nor ambulance to transfer patients to Gardiz city or other hospitals.

Qadim, a resident of Shawak district, told Salam Watandar: “It’s not like we don’t have a clinic here, we have two clinics but in these clinics, some materials are not complete. We do not have access to health services because our area is mountainous, there is no road. When we bring the patient down from the mountain and bring him to the clinic, the path is very far, there is no road. When we have patients, problems become even more. We have problems in clinics, there is no ambulance, we don’t have access to medicine, and most of the time when people go to the clinic, there is no medicine there.”

Ahmad Gul, a resident of Gardesiri district, said: “We need a gynecologist-obstetrician here to perform tests and operations. Women cannot reach Gardiz during pregnancy because the roads are far, some people don’t have cars, they don’t have money. Therefore, the patient dies before reaching the hospital. We need a good doctor in this clinic and we need a female doctor more than a male doctor because in the absence of female doctors, men do not understand women’s diseases.”

Akhtar Jan, a resident of Wazi Zadran district, said: “During the day, about 100 patients visit our clini but there is no medicine or professional doctor in the clinic. Another thing is that there is also the main road of Khost and Paktia, where if there is an accident or the car is overturned, there is no medicine for urgent patients. Our wish is that this clinic be upgraded to a DH clinic.”

Residents of three districts of Paktia added that there are no professional male or female doctors in the clinics of their areas who can treat severe patients. They want the authorities to pay more attention to these three districts.

At the same time, the officials of Public Health Department of Paktia also confirm the health problems of the districts of this province, but they promise to solve it.

Sadruddin Azzam, head of public health of Paktia, told Salam Watandar that with the cooperation of aid institutions, six new field clinics have been built in the remote areas of three districts, which provide basic services to the people.

He added that among these three districts, only the clinic of the district of Vazi Zedran has an ambulance, and the clinics of other districts will also be equipped with an ambulance in the near future.

According to Sadruddin Azzam, temporary health centers will be activated with the cooperation of institutions for the residents of the remote areas of these districts who do not have access to health services.

The director of Public Health of Paktia says: “The drug problem is a nationwide problem in the whole country and the Ministry of Public Health is making every effort to solve this problem. But I would like to point out one point that people’s access to health and treatment centers has increased compared to the past and people’s visits have increased; Because the people’s trust in the government health system has increased, and for this reason, the number of people visiting medical centers has increased; But there is a shortage of medicine.

According to the officials of the Public Health Department of Paktia, in the past two years, residents of the remote areas of various districts of Paktia did not have access to health services. But they have solved these problems to a great extent by activating more than 28 health centers that provide basic services to the people.

