Air pollution makes life difficult in Kabul

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KABUL (SW) – A number of Kabul residents, complaining about the increase in air pollution, say that the worsening air quality has made their lives difficult.

They criticize the neglect of the Islamic Emirate government to prevent the increase in air pollution with the arrival of winter and accuse the government of being careless in this regard.

Bashir Heydari, a resident of Kabul, said in this regard: “The air pollution becomes very high in winter because the economic situation of the people is bad and they use plastic and coal to heat their homes. This causes the air pollution to increase, and there are too many vehicles in Kabul, which causes the air pollution.”

This resident of the capital city added that air pollution is very harmful to human health and all people, especially children.

Suleiman, another resident of Kabul, said about this: “In winter, the air becomes very polluted, there is more smoke and pollution in the evening because plastic and coal are burnt, wood is not used because the economic situation of the people is weak”

Farishta Rahmani, another resident of Kabul, said that the government does not have a special plan to prevent air pollution. “Currently, there are many problems in terms of the environment in Afghanistan, the environment in Afghanistan is very polluted. Because people’s economic situation is not good, that’s why people use coal, paper and plastic, all these cause air pollution. In my opinion, if they had a plan, they would have stopped it.”

However, the officials of the National Environmental Protection Agency say that even though they had effective plans to prevent air pollution with the coming of winter, but due to the lack of work of the relevant departments, they could not implement these programs properly.

Basir Amin, head of supervision and inspection at the National Environmental Protection Agency, told Salam Watandar: “Some departments have their own problems. In terms of vehicles, the Ministry of Transportation has its own problems, we do not have a regular transportation system. The Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat has its own problems, we don’t have 24-hour electricity in the country. Also, the reason for the problems with the filters in the buildings is the lack of electricity and people’s inattention to this issue.”

Environmental experts also warn that air pollution is a gradual death that threatens citizens’ lives every moment.

