Officials at the Ministry of Public Works under the Islamic Emirate reports that due to heavy snowfall and storms, the Salang Highway and several routes leading to the provinces of Ghazni, Maidan Wardak, Bamyan, Ghor, Daikundi, and Faryab have been closed to both cargo and passenger vehicles.
Mohammad Ashraf Haqshenas, spokesperson for the ministry, said, “Road clearing operations have now begun.”
Officials also reported that in Ghazni, the roads connecting Malistan, Ajristan, and Nawur have been blocked, and the routes between Bamyan-Maidan Wardak in the Haji Gak Pass, as well as the Aqrobot and Shato Passes, and the Panjab route in Bamyan, are also closed. Additionally, the Albadr route in Sar-e Pol and the routes connecting Ghor to Herat have been shut down.
According to the ministry of public works, the route between Bamyan and Daikundi in the Qonaq Pass and the route through the Kohistan area in Faryab are also closed.
Meanwhile, some travelers and drivers on the Salang Highway call on the ministry of public works to reopen the road as soon as possible.
Ghafur, a driver on the Salang Highway, expressed, “Our problems are numerous, and we are facing issues with clothing and food. The hotels along the road are charging travelers exorbitant prices. Please convey our message to the authorities to ensure that people do not remain stranded on this road for too long, as it will lead to further damage.”
Nazanin, a resident of Balkh and a passenger on the highway, added, “We are waiting for the road to reopen. Our request is that they open it soon, as the weather is cold, and people do not have proper supplies. The risk of avalanches is high, and passengers may get injured.”
According to data from the Ministry of Public Works, 7,500 kilometers of public roads require snow clearing during this winter season.