Historical sites in Faryab faced with destruction

MAIMANA (SW) – A number of cultural activists in Faryab say that the historical places in this province are in a bad condition and at risk of destruction.

They add that no special attention has been paid to historical monuments in this province in the past years.

Seyyed Tajuddin Tashqin Bahai, a writer and one of the cultural activists in Faryab, said that the government is obliged to preserve and take care of historical ponds in this province. He added: “We didn’t pay attention to the historical places in Abidad. Almost all the ancient and historical works that were in Faryab have been destroyed. Many were extorted by foreigners during the 20 years of the republic’s rule.”

Haseebullah, another cultural activist in Faryab, said: “In the past 20 years, other governments have not paid any attention to historical sites that have not been restored and have turned into ruins. We hope that special attention will be paid to historical shrines and they will be rebuilt again.”

Cultural activists in Faryab ask the local authorities of this province to restore the historical sites in Faryab as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, Shamsullah Mohammadi, head of information and culture department, said that among the 163 historical sites in this province, some of them have collapsed as a result of natural events and some are facing the danger of collapse.

He added: “During 20 years, no attention has been paid to historical sites. While it is considered a historical source of culture and identity of the country. God willing, the Islamic Emirate and the department of information and culture have a commitment in this regard and are committed to paying special attention to the historical sites.”.


