“If we don’t get help this coming winter, we will die”

KABUL (SW) – A number of daily wage workers in Kabul say that they spend their days unemployed on the roads hoping to receive aid, but if they do not receive humanitarian aid in the coming winter, they will perish.

Omid, who is one of the daily wage workers in Kabul city, told Salam Watandar about his minor daughter waiting for him to bring food. He, who heads a family of seven, said that his daily wage is his family’s only mean of livelihood, but he has been unemployed for four days and has not received any salary.

“It’s been days and I have not had anything for my daughter to eat”, he said, adding that he could not dare to enter home empty handed fearing his daughter would get disappointed. “If we did not get we will die”, he said.

Under such circumstances, the daily wage workers in Kabul are critical of the lack of aid and say that the lapses in the distribution of humanitarian aid proves deadly for them.

Faiz Khoda, one of the daily wage workers in Kabul, told Salam Watandar that the corruption and irregularities are going on in the distribution of aid.

Gul Rahman, one of the other daily workers in Kabul, said the aid does not reach the needy and the local representatives.

However, the officials of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs has announced that the distribution of aid to the needy would be ensured in a fair manner.

Makhdoom Abdulsalam Saadat, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, has said the aid covers 10,000 to 20,000 people in each district of Kabul, and the Ministry of Labor has plans for job creation.”

