MONITORING (SW) – Despite a new law prohibiting further reduction of US troops in Afghanistan without the Pentagon sending Congress an assessment of the risks, the military has not halted the withdrawal, Reuters reported.
“Currently, no new orders have been issued which impact the progression of the conditions-based drawdown expected to reach 2,500 (troops) by Jan. 15, 2021,” it said in a statement.
“If they are continuing the drawdown, that would be a violation of the law,” said a congressional aide, speaking on the condition of anonymity.
Meanwhile, Kabul-based defense analysts have played down potential drastic effects of the drawdown in the case of continued financial and air support for the Afghan security forces.
One such analys, Muhibullah Sharif told Salam Watandar that the outgoing President Donald Trump is under pressure from US Congress in this connection. He added if the proposed plans for drawdown are implemented in violation of the ruling by the Supreme Court, it would further add legal pressure on President Trump.
According to the Reuters’ report, the Pentagon’s action will likely anger Republican and Democratic lawmakers opposed to further troop cuts and renew concerns about the outgoing Trump administration’s disdain for Congress, even in its waning days.