Returnees who brought with them skills, credible credentials


NIMROZ (SW) – The Nimroz province of Afghanistan remains one of the key crossing points with Iran for the thousands of Afghans on daily basis.

It is one of Afghanistan’s border provinces where hundreds of citizens travel to and from Iran every day. Many Afghan citizens entering Nimroz from Iran are engaged with the construction work.

Abdul Shakur Nazari, head of a construction company in Nimroz, told Salam Watandar that most of the workers he has hired have acquired construction skills professionally abroad. According to him, most of the construction workers are new returnees from Iran. “One of the advantages of immigration is that young people abroad get trained in new skills and can be useful for the future of the country.”

A number of Afghan nationals who have been repatriated from Iran and Pakistan are engaged in construction work.

Qudrat Fateh, a resident of Nimroz province, is a young man who returned from Iran six months ago. He says he has learned many construction skills in that country. Afghans who have returned from abroad have learned skills such as sewing, embroidery, weaving and hairdressing in addition to the construction work.

Arezoo Sadaf is a resident of Nimroz. She returned from Iran a year ago. She says she has learned tailoring and hairdressing in Iran and is now happy to be able to work in Afghanistan. “I am very happy to be serving my fellow citizens today as a professional and skilled hairdresser, and this way I can be useful to them. “Since I returned from emigration, I have opened a beauty salon and today I am training many students as well.”

After acquiring many technical and professional skills abroad with credible educational credentials, a number of returnees have secured strong and valuable positions in key government and private institutions.

Asadullah Asad, another resident of Nimroz province, has completed four years of his undergraduate studies in Tajikistan. He says he believes he can be useful for the society through his education. “When I immigrated to Tajikistan I completed my education there, and when I returned from, I was able to get a good job”, he said.

Social scientists believe that migration, besides many of to its shortcomings, has many benefits as well that helps with development in a society.

Mohammad Salim Ghazi Khel, head of the Refugees and Returnees department, told Salam Watandar that jobs would be provided to immigrants returning to the country.

Afghanistan is one of the countries with a high number of immigrants in the world. According to the Ministry of Refugees and Returnees, a large number of Afghan citizens have recently returned from various countries, especially Iran and Pakistan.

