Women stage protest against expulsion from jobs

KABUL (SW) – A number of women staged a protest demonstration in Kabul on Monday against the expulsion of females from the public offices and private job market with the rise to power of the Islamic Emirate.

The agitators demanded the international community to provide work for women in Afghanistan.

Margheli Faqirzai, one of the protestors, said that she was an expert in the Ministry of Interior in the previous government and had many achievements in the field of women in this ministry but was sacked with the establishment of the Islamic Emirate.

She added that she is the mother of five children and lives in a rented house but due to unemployment, these days, she is facing many problems in providing living expenses. “I have children and I don’t have a guardian.”

Elaha Tariq, another protester, said that she and her husband are both unemployed, and they spend their days and nights with great hardships after the return of the Islamic Emirate to power due to poverty. “Myself and my husband are unemployed at home. I have a master’s degree but due to unemployment, I suffer from poverty.”

Mrs. Tariq asked the international community to provide work for womenin Afghanistan.

Zakia Saadat, another protester in this gathering, said that with the rise to power of the Islamic Emirate, she stayed at home and now she is struggling with difficult conditions.

Mrs. Saadat added the protesters gathered here to show the capacity of women and for the world to see that the women of Afghanistan have been forgotten. “We ask the international community to provide work for women in Afghanistan.”

This comes as with the establishment of the Islamic Emirate, women have been removed from most of the government offices and the field of work outside these offices has also been limited for them.

