TVE stages innovation expo in Kabul



KABUL (SW) – Officials at the Technical and Vocational Education Department say that the first national exhibition of “Afghanistan’s top innovations” has oopened in this department in Kabul and will continue for three days.

Gholam Haider Shahamat, head of the Technical and Vocational Education Department, said at the opening ceremony of this exhibition that the purpose of holding this exhibition is to attract investment for young innovators and support them.

He adds that more than 912 types of innovations, including ships, drones, bird hatching machines, cars and other innovations, have been displayed in this exhibition.

He emphasized: “There are many innovative young people in Afghanistan and they need more support. Last year, an innovation department was established, and today you can see its results in this exhibition, where they have displayed their initiatives, and we support it.”

Meanwhile, the officials of the Ministry of Higher Education say in this exhibition that the graduates of the institutes of the Technical and Vocational Education Department will be directly recruited to the country’s universities.

Nada Mohammad Nadim, Acting Minister of Higher Education, says: “We promise those students who enter higher education that we will provide them with practical and theoretical work in the university, and you can use it in a better way.”

However, a number of innovators, worried about the lack of materials and work tools in the profession sector in the country, say that with more support from the caretaker government, they can make more innovations.

Zakaria Omari, Professor of “Afghan Institute of Technology”, says that a system equipped with radar, robot with artificial intelligence capability, unmanned aircraft and other innovations have been displayed in this exhibition.

He adds: “The basic challenges that exist in this sector are the lack of materials and work tools and the economic problems that have plagued us and do not allow us to work and move forward in the way we want and have become an obstacle in our way.”

22-year-old Abdul Qadir Ebrahimi, a student and one of the participants of this exhibition, says that he has made an incubator for different bird eggs and citizens can buy it for a small price.

He adds: “This machine has the capacity to hatch seven types of birds. It has a hatching capacity of 100 eggs, ducks and 200 ducks and partridges, and 50 to 60 chickens and peacocks.”

Likewise, 27-year-old Rahmatullah Sadeq, a resident of Nangarhar who has built a ship, a digital scale, a normal egg identification machine and a car for people with disabilities, says that the caretaker government should support the country’s innovators.

He adds: “We want the government to cooperate more, we can make many things like cars and other things and win honors for the country.”

It should be mentioned that in this exhibition, the innovations have been displayed in 107 booths.

