Faryab residents longing for health services


FARYAB (SW) – A number of patients in Faryab say that they have been facing problems for many years due to the lack of necessary medicine, lack of medical equipment and professional doctors in the province. 

Abdul Ali, a resident of Qaisar district, while referring to Faryab provincial hospital, said: “Doctors do not examine the patients properly, they do not give medicine, we buy whatever medicine is needed from outside. People come to this hospital who have no money and have economic problems.”

Khal Bibi, another patient at Faryab provincial hospital, also expressed her concerns about the lack of medicine and the proper supply of medical services in this hospital, saying: “They don’t treat patients properly. They do not give medicine from the hospital. We have to buy medicine from outside.”

In addition, the residents of remote districts say that due to the economic and mobility problems, its residents always face problems in accessing medical services.

Gholam Mohammad, a resident of Kohistan district, said: “There are no opportunities and cooperation through clinics. If a patient is more serious and requires surgery, there is no possibility of treatment. If we want to transfer him to the city, we will transfer him two days and nights on our shoulders or by horse and donkey. If it doesn’t arrive on time, the patient may die on the way.”

The residents of Khaja Sabzposh district also complain about the lack of medicine and medical equipment in one of the clinics in this district and ask the authorities to upgrade it to a proper hospital. Noor Mohammad, a resident of Khajah Sabzposh district, who brought his daughter to this clinic for treatment, wants the government to address their problems.

In addition, the residents of Pashtunkot district say that since many years, no attention has been paid to healthcare services in this district. They want the government and aid institutions to pay attention to the basic needs of the people and solve their problems.

Mohammad Dawood, a resident of Pashtunkot district, said that there is no medical clinic in this district and they have to transfer their patients to health centers in other parts of this province.

Likewise, the residents of the four districts of Andkhoi region also say that they are facing a shortage of beds, medical equipment and drugs in one of the hospitals in this district. Hamidullah, a resident of Andkhoi district, said that this hospital does not have the capacity to treat more patients.
He added: “Andkhoi district has a population of 500,000 people, but his hospital has 30 beds only. Patients from neighbouring districts also visit this hospital. We want the Islamic Emirate and health officials to upgrade this hospital to 100 beds.”

Zahir Shah Jihadmal, acting director of public health in Faryab, confirmed the problems of patients and patients in the field of medical services in this province, and told Salam Watandar that a number of patients are given medicine, but the medicines that are not available in health centers are bought from the market.

He added: “A total of 565 female specialists, doctors, nurses, midwives, etc. are working in different departments at the Faryab level, but the health department is still facing the challenge of women’s health staff, including in forensic medicine and ultrasound.”

He said that the problems of the provincial hospital of this province have been shared with the Ministry of Public Health. “The elders promised us that they will follow up on this problem and try to solve the problems of the patients both in the center and in the districts.”

