KABUL (SW) – The owners of a number of old and local restaurants in the city of Kabul say that they are trying to keep their customers with hope for a better future of their work.
Fawad, the owner of “Babai Wali” restaurant on Miwand road in Kabul city, says that his father established this restaurant in Kandahar 64 years ago and then moved to Kabul. According to him, they prepare local dishes such as Chainaki, various types of food and other dishes in this restaurant. Fawad said that despite the decrease in their customers, he is still trying to keep this restaurant afloat.
“Currently, we have not decided to close our restaurant and we will not stop trying. God is kind and provident, these tough days will pass. We are not the only ones, these days are for everyone and we are struggling”.
Massoud, the owner of “Sakhi” restaurant in Shahrno Kabul, who has been serving citizens with local dishes for 17 years, said that although the customers of this restaurant have decreased, but it still has nearly 1000 customers daily.
“We have local and national dishes here, such as Mahecha, Chainaki, Qormah Pache, Kabuli, Molang, and Landipulao, especially in winters. Our business is less than before, but God willing, things will get better again.”
Shahriar, the owner of another restaurant in Khairkhana complained about the decrease in his sales, saying that most of the days, the food he prepares is not completely sold.
But he said with hope: “We have to continue our work because we are human and we have to work to live, that’s why we continue, let’s see what happens.”
In the past few years, with the advent of hundreds of modern restaurants in Kabul, old restaurants have also been able to have their own customers by offering varieties of local dishes.