Road accident claims five lives

KABUL (SW) – At least five people have lost their lives to road accidents in Nangarhar, Maidan Wardak and Helmand provinces, authorities confirmed on Thursday.

The Laghman governor’s media office said that three people were killed and eight others were seriously injured in a traffic accident on the Kabul-Jalalabad highway. The incident took place before noon on Thursday in the “Meshl” area of ​​this highway due to the collision of two passenger cars.

Local officials in Nangarhar said the injured had been taken to the provincial district hospital for treatment. According to officials, the incident was caused by reckless drivers.

Meanwhile, last night, one person was killed and 17 others, including women and children, were injured in a traffic accident in Maidan Shahr, the capital of Maidan Wardak province.

According to local officials, the incident occurred as a result of a collision between a passenger bus and a truck near the Maidan Shahr army brigade.

On the other hand, one person got killed on Thursday in Helmand province as a result of a traffic accident. According to local officials in Helmand, the incident took place in Sangin district of the province as a result of a collision between a motorcycle and a bicycle.

