Uprising force against the Taliban formed in Kandahar

KANDAHAR (SW) – Locals in Kandahar have formed armed front to resist the Taliban onslaught in the province.

With the recent increase in Taliban attacks across the country, civilians in some provinces have taken up arms against the Taliban and are standing shoulder to shoulder with the security forces to ensure security in their areas. In Kandahar’s Arghandab district, for the first time, a group of 100 anti-Taliban militia has been formed.

Local officials in Kandahar say a 100-member group of anti-Taliban militia has been formed in Arghandab district for the first time. Arghandab district chief Mohammad Sharif Rasuli told Salam Watandar the group has been formed in the district with the help of locals.

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He said the men were well-armed and were paid a special salary. According to him, the men will be deployed in five key areas of Arghandab district and will fight alongside the Afghan National Police and the Afghan National Army against the Taliban.

He added: “This is a group of 100 people who are part of the national uprising in the framework of national security. They are stationed in five points of Arghandab. They have also been given vehicles. They are good for security because they are the locals of Arghandab. »

A number of Kandahar residents said the formation of the group was important in boosting the morale of the Afghan security forces and defeating the Taliban, but stressed the government needs to support them and not leave them alone.

In Kandahar’s Arghandab district, the 100-member group called the People’s Uprising is being formed at a time when similar armed groups have already been formed in Takhar, Faryab, Jawzjan, Parwan and some other provinces.

As insecurity and fall of district to Taliban continue in many provinces, the Ministry of Defense (MoD) in a statement on Monday called on the people to stand by the security forces and support them.

