Category: Governance

$15 million gets injected in the forex market: DAB

KABUL (SW) – The Afghanistan Central Bank/ Da Afghanistan Bank (DAB) has announced that in order to maintain and stabilize the value of the Afghani currency, it will auction 15 million US dollars on Wednesday, September 4.

Women faced with stress, fear for jobs due to the new morality laws

KABUL (SW) – In a series of interviews, a number of Afghan girls and women in various parts of the country told Salam Watandar they fear losing jobs and facing stress because of the new set of laws ratified and implemented by the de-facto Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (MoPVPV).

Uzbekistan pledges to support Afghan exports

KABUL (SW) – Uzbekistan’s Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov has said that Afghanistan has an important place in Uzbekistan’s foreign policy, and his country is ready to expand trade and transit relations with the Islamic Emirate to export fresh fruits from Afghanistan to Central Asian countries.

MoAIL tells of $300 mln in project investments in a year

KABUL (SW) – The de-facto Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MoAIL) in collaboration with partner agencies, has implemented 271 projects worth $300 million across agriculture, irrigation, and livestock sectors, officials reported.