Exclusive: AI gaining popularity among Afghan youths
Artificial intelligence (AI), as one of the advanced and exciting branches of technology, has gained significant attention in recent years among Afghan youths.
Artificial intelligence (AI), as one of the advanced and exciting branches of technology, has gained significant attention in recent years among Afghan youths.
Families explain that, to make up for their daughters’ inability to attend regular schools, they have enrolled them in religious schools, online education programs, home-based classes, and even sent them abroad to continue their studies.
The students interviewed in this report mentioned that due to poor internet quality and frequent power outages, they cannot consistently follow their online lessons.
These women do not have formal contracts and work as day labourers in workshops, companies, and factories in Kabul. All of them express dissatisfaction with the wages they receive.
This report includes interviews with 25 girls and women who have been deprived of education and work, and all of them narrate how their positions in the family and society have been undermined.
Through a series of 29 exclusive and statistical reports, Salam Afghanistan Media Organization’s Omid (Hope) program has shed light on the grim challenges and promising opportunities faced by the Afghan youths.
Salam Watandar recently conducted a conversation with 55 young individuals to explore the role of mediation in marriage formation, which underscores the significant impact of intermediaries in the marriage process in Afghanistan.
Findings by Salam Watandar based on conversations with a number of women show that women who are financially independent have more freedom in decision-making and enjoy better mental health.
Salam Watandar has conducted a survey across 26 provinces of Afghanistan to explore the significance of role models in the lives of young people, which showed that most youths have chosen role models to guide their personal and social development.
Role models are individuals whose actions and methods light the way for others and through positive and inspiring traits can help individuals in achieving their goals and improving the quality of their lives.
Salam Watandar conducted interviews with 34 young individuals across various provinces to examine the role of professional training in the lives of educated youths.
Amid the difficulties that women face in living in Afghanistan, the requirement of having a male guardian when leaving home poses significant challenges for women whose husbands are in migration.