JALALABAD (SW): Aggravated with the rampant corruption in public offices, a leading civil society activist in eastern Nangarhar province on Wednesday went on hunger strike in front of the provincial administration.
Noor Ahmad Noorani, is spokesman for the Council of All Afghanistan Disabled Persons, and head of Youth’s Social Foundation for Unity. Noorani said corruption at the department of education was the main reason why he launched the hunger strike.
The civil society activist showed the documents he had in connection with the malpractices at the education department.
Meanwhile, Allah Dad Ismailzai has rejected the claims made by Noorani about a youngster being denied a job at the department despite being eligible.
He told Salam Watandar that the actual problem is about the age of this candidate. “Elders from a community where this youngster was about to be assigned came and said he is too young and we want a rather elderly man to teach our daughters”, he said.
Noorani on the other hand said that this is just one example, the education department as a whole is ‘deeply corrupt’.
He vowed to prolong his hunger strike till fundamental reforms are not brought at the education department.