CHIGHCHIRAN (SW): More than 45 villages in Lal-o-Sar Jangal district of Ghor province are witnessing a surge in militancy.
Residents of Lal-o-Sar Jangal told Salam Watandar that the Taliban and Daesh fighters are seeking to destabilize the district. The residents have urged the security forces to take immediate actions.
Arif Wafayi, a resident of Lal-o-Sar Jangal, said militants associated with the Taliban and Daesh have been spotted in the district while collecting alms from the people. Omid Tawana, another resident of the district, said the Taliban and Daesh have tried to stop farmers from farming.
Nazir Hussein Mowin, district deputy police chief, confirming the reports said at least 45 villages close to the Morgh Aab district, Sar-i-Pul and Daikundi provinces are under threat. “The security forces in the district are not well equipped to fight the insurgents”, added Mowin. He urged the higher security officials to pay attention to the matter.
The security officials of Lal-o-Sar Jangal district further said that the insurgents attacked villages in the north of the province last year, burned one village and looted several other villages.
Meanwhile, Abdul Hai Khatibi, spokesman for the provincial governor, has rejected the reports about fragile security situation in Lal-o-Sar Jangal area. “Any movement by the insurgent will be immediately countered by the security forces”, assured Khatibi.