Trump to announce strategy for Afghanistan


WASHING DC-KABUL (SW): U.S. President Donald Trump is scheduled to debate at Camp David on Friday with his national security advisers on the US strategy for Afghanistan and South Asia.

James Mattis, U.S. Defense Secretary, said the meeting will be a step towards deciding on the White House strategy for Afghanistan and South Asia.

According to him, at Friday’s meeting with President Trump, his deputy Mike Pence along with security advisers will also attend the meeting on the strategy.

Although U.S. Secretary of Defense does not provide details of the final decision of Friday’s meeting, he said the Trump administration has come a long way in finalizing the strategy.

Earlier, U.S. Defense Secretary said in an interview with the media that all options on how to deal with the conflict in Afghanistan including the full withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan and the use of more contractors to manage U.S. efforts in Afghanistan are on the table.


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