MONITORING (SW) – U.S President Donald Trump has said the Taliban has never been hit harder than it is being hit right now.
In a latest tweet, he said killing 12 people, including one 'great American' soldier, was not a good idea. 'There are much better ways to set up a negotiation. The Taliban knows they made a big mistake, and they have no idea how to recover!', he tweeted.
Earlier this month, Trump said talks with the Taliban aimed at ending the 18-year war in Afghanistan are "dead". ''As far as I'm concerned, they are dead," he told White House reporters. Persident Trump cancelled secret plans to host a Taliban delegation in the US after the militant group admitted killing a US soldier.
The two sides had appeared close to a deal and the Taliban said the US would "lose the most" for cancelling talks, the BBC reported. It sa
As part of the proposal the US would have withdrawn 5,400 troops within 20 weeks, in return for Taliban guarantees that Afghanistan would never again be used as a base for terrorism.