KUNAR (SW): Nearly a year ago, based on the decision of the Council of Ministers, it was permitted to transfer the wood and precious materials of Kunar to other provinces, but subsequently, exports of wood from Kunar to other provinces were banned again.
A number of carpenters in Kunar raised their voices against the local authorities in Kunar and said the government has banned the transfer of handmade materials from Kunar which has harmed their businesses.
Farhad Durrani, chairman of Kunar’s Trades Union said the government has banned the transfer of handmade materials under the pretext of smuggling wood and hence their businesses have been badly affected.
Due to these restrictions, the wood cutting factories in Kunar has dropped from 400 to only 100 factories, Farhad Durrani added.
Ghani Mosamem, spokesperson for the governor of Kunar told Salam Watandar that they are trying to find a solution for this problem soon.
While President Ghani has issued a decree banning the transfer of wood and other precious materials from Kunar to other provinces, however, according to the Department of Agriculture in Kunar, the cutting of trees and smuggling of woods from Kunar to neighbouring countries, especially Pakistan is still continuing.