NIMRUZ (SW): Residents of provinces of Helmand and Nimruz said that after the Chabahar port has been opened, Taliban have increased their activity in the district of Ghorghori in Nimruz which is located on the main highway in the province.
According to the residents of Helmand and Nimruz, the Taliban have put up a checkpoint and have been checking passengers, and sometimes kidnapping people in Ghorghori district in Nimruz province.
Asadullah Patman, a civil society activist in Nimruz, said that after the Chabahar port has been opened, Nimruz province has been insecure, as Pakistan does not want the commercial relations between Afghanistan and India to improve.
Saleh Mohammad Masood, Chief of Nimruz Police, also confirmed that Taliban have been active along the highway areas in Nimruz and said that with the opening of Chabahar port, steps have been taken to secure the Helmand-Nimruz Highway by Nimruz police and security forces.
The Helmand-Nimruz highway is about 400 kilometers long. The armed Taliban have been active on this route for the past several years and have often attacked the security forces at various locations along the highway.