Arg and Atta Mohammad Noor reach deal on Balkh impasse


KABUL (SW): With the last day of the Afghan calendar year, the Balkh impasse between Atta Mohammad Noor, the dismissed governor and the Presidential Palace (Arg) also comes to an end.

A senior source in the government who didn’t want to be named told Salam Watandar that with the exception of few conditions, Arg has reached a deal with Atta Mohammad Noor on the Ministry of State for National Disaster Management, Ministry of Education, the governor and Balkh Police Chief, and this agreement will probably be announced on the first day of the Afghan New Year (Nawruz).

According to the anonymous source, Najid Fahim has been proposed as the Minister for Afghan National Disaster Management Authority (ANDMA), and Mirwais Balkhi as the Minister of Education.

Atta Mohammad Noor’s spokesperson, Munir Ahmad Farhad said that an agreement was reached to end the tension between Arg and the former governor of Balk, and the details of the agreement will be announced soon, however, the final decision rests with Jamiat-e Islami.

A source from the Jamiat-e Islami delegation told Salam Watandar that the delegation has no involvement in the talks between Arg and Atta Mohammad Noor, though; he said the delegation is aware of the agreement between the Arg and Atta Noor.

Previously, a member of the delegation had said that Atta Mohammad Noor was betrayed by the Arg.

Arg has not said anything about the deal yet, however, Munira Yousoufzai, the spokesperson for the Independent Directorate of Local Governance said they are unaware of the agreement between the Arg and the Jamiat-e Islami.


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