Prevailing concerns divert family aways from building ties

KABUL (SW) – A number of psychologists believe the prevailing economic, security and unemployment problems have diverted people’s attention from building and nurturing family relationships.

Sayed Abdullah Hosseini, a psychologist, told Salam Watandar that the people now seem to have lost the system or the order of the family. “In most families around and in the cities, the fathers have taken the family for granted and no clearity exists about the roles.”

Ruhollah Rezvani, another psychologist, told Salam Watandar that families in Afghanistan are experiencing more difficult and chaotic conditions than in the past. Instead of devoting their energy and focus to emotional relationships and communication and personality needs, families focus on issues outside the family, he said.

Meanwhile, a number of people believe that domestic violence has increased.

Lida, a victim of domestic violence, said her mother died a few years ago and her father is addicted and is now facing violence from her brother. According to Lida, her brother is unemployed and when he runs out of food at home, he beats her and her little brother and sister.

A number of families also said that with the advent of the Islamic Emirate and the recent developments in the country, their family problems have increased.

May 15 was designated by the United Nations as World Family Day. The main reason for marking World Family Day is for people around the world to realize the importance and value of family.

