JAKARTA (SW): President Joko Widodo of Indonesia on Friday hosted Trilateral Ulema Conference of Indonesia, Afghanistan and Pakistan, at the Istana Bogor, for the first ever meeting of religious scholars from these three large Muslim countries, representing more than 488 million citizens.
Carrying the theme “Islam as Rahmatan lil Alamin, Peace and Stability in Afghanistan", prominent Ulema attending the meeting discussed their role in sowing the seed for peace and stability in Afghanistan. As such, five issues such as peace and friendship in Islam; violent extremism and ai'tidal (tolerance); the role of Ulema; the role of the state; and the way forward were on the agenda.
The Bogor Ulema Declaration for Peace reiterated the joint commitment to help nurturing peace in Afghanistan and the Muslim world.
Considering that for decades, our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan have suffered from long and arduous trials and tribulations. Despite all hardships, they never lost hope in their struggle for peace. They continue to demonstrate the best quality of human resilience and nobility as a strong nation and faithful Muslims, it noted.
These are the agreed points:
1. Islam is a religion of peace, tolerance, and ai’tidal (Ar.). The word of Islam derives from the root word of Salam (Ar.) which means peace or salvation. The true believers of Islam are bound and must project the quality of mercy and compassion.
2. The core message of Islam is centred upon the principle of peace, mercy and compassion. We, therefore, support Paigham-e-Pakistan, Afghan declarations and other peace initiatives about peace in Afghanistan by the Ulema from Islamic World which favour peace, Islamic brotherhood, and denouncing violence and terrorism.
3. Peace is the commandment of Allah and Muslims have an obligation to follow this injunction in their lives in letter and spirit. All conflicts and disputes among Muslims should therefore be resolved in the light of Qur’an and Sunnah. We the Ulema, therefore appreciate and support the offer of the Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan as announced by President Ashraf Ghani during the Kabul Peace Process, February 2018 for peace and reconciliation in Afghanistan. We also appreciate regional countries, Islamic world and the international community for expressing their full support to Afghan Peace Process.
4. We take note of conducive environment for peace in Afghanistan and call upon all sides to join direct peace talks, as peaceful deliberation is enshrined in the Holy Qur’an, titled “The Consultation” (As-Shuraa’) (Ar.), and as hinted in the verse 38th that Consultation is among the virtues of the faithful believers.
5. As the heirs of Allah’s Messengers, and as authoritative voice in interpreting the Quran and Hadith, the Ulema play pivotal role in Muslim communities to uphold the true nature of Islam (the true legacy of Prophet Muhammad, PBUH) as Rahmatan Lil ‘Alaamin. The Ulema therefore bear this huge amanah (Ar.) on their shoulder to preserve high moral principles and promote Ukhuwah Islamiyah and Ukhuwah Insaniyah.
6. The Ulema being the Waratsatul Anbiya (Ar.), have the obligations to promote Islam’s universal values of peace, tolerance, social justice and Ai’tidal, as well as encourage the adoption of these principles as benchmarks and guiding principles.
7. Ulema of the Islamic Ummah, especially from countries like Indonesia, Afghanistan and Pakistan, having a deeper understanding of the difficult challenges facing the Muslim countries, can play an active role in promoting peace and solidarity in the Muslim world, especially in Afghanistan.
8. Ulema’s abled guidance and discourse based on the injunctions of the Holy Qur’an and examples set by the Holy Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, whereby he always preferred to adopt the ‘middle course’ (Wasath) (Ar.) in life, is the best course to set the direction right for the Muslims. As ordained by Rasulullah PBUH (Al-Bukhari Vol. 8, hadith 470) “Do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately; Always adopt a middle, moderate regular course, whereby you will reach your goal (of paradise)”.
9. We reaffirm that violence and terrorism cannot and should not be associated with any religion, nationality, civilization, or ethnic group, as violent extremism and terrorism in all its forms and manifestations including violence against civilians and suicide attacks, are against the holy principles of Islam.
10. As one family of Ummah, we support an inclusive peace process and stand ready to contribute constructively to the process, while recognizing various efforts and peace offers to find viable solutions for peace in Afghanistan.