Tale of a brother who stood for the rights of sister’s education


GARDIZ (SW): Khan Wali Adel, who has witnessed patriarchy oppression, and has personally gone through it for the better life of his life but has now stood-up for the right of his sisters to get educated in the south eastern Paktia province.

Adel has been beaten by his father and elder brothers for defending his sisters several times. But it never deterred him from fighting against his father and elder brothers to earn his sisters the right to study.

His father however, still immersed in tradition, did not understand how things in the society have change for Afghan women. He never allowed his wife to step outside the house.

“A woman should be either at home or in a grave” he believed. He could even not imagine his daughters would one day go to school, and that is why Adel’s sisters remained deprived of education.

To change things around, Adel decided to provide his sisters with education by asking a female teacher to teach them at home. Unlike his father, Adel believes that women like men have the equal rights to go to school and take their own decisions. Talking to Salam Watandar, he said that he loves his parents but that does not mean to remain silent over the miseries his sisters faced in terms of restrictions imposed upon them by the backward thinking of his father.

Adel’s open-mindedness has alienated him in the family where his father and brothers oppose him.

But, to ensure justice for his sisters, he has gone on hunger strike, and has protested several times in the family. At his protest camp in Gardiz City, he said that he had set-up this camp in to make the issue public.

To further push his family for the right of his sisters, he even left his home and started living in the tent.

Adel has shared the issue with the police and tribal elders but it has not led to any positive result yet.


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