Noor alleged for attempting to assassinate a member of the Provincial Council of Balkh


The Balkh provincial council member said at a meeting here in Kabul on Wednesday that corruption is at rife in Balkh's government institutions, and Atta Mohammad Noor, the provincial governor, ignores the issue because his related men are officials in the offices.

“Last year, Noor had issued a letter to justify his assassination”, insisted Mohmand.

Munir Ahmad Farhad, the spokesman for the provincial governor, rejecting the allegations told Salam Watandar that Mohammad Asif Mohmand in order to create a political case for himself has made the allegation against the governor of Balk.

The Balkh’s provincial council member added that he has been living in Kabul since May, he will soon return to Balk and in case any harm comes to himself or his family, the governor of Balk will responsible for it.


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