Malnutrition among children on rise in Ghazni


GHAZNI (SW): Tens of children suffering from malnutrition are brought to the main public hospital in Ghazni province on daily basis.

Zahir Shah Nekmal, head of the directorate of public health, informed Salam Watandar that the malnutrition ratio is on the rise in Ghazni. He said up to 2000 children suffering from malnutrition have been treated in the province last year alone. The head of the directorate of health further informed plans are chalked to spread awareness to curb this issue from surging.

A local pediatrician, Dr. Yasin Bayat, informed that the malnutrition also leaves negative impacts on the affected child’s mental and physical growth. He said families should take this issue seriously. He said lack of awareness about hygiene and nutrition often causes malnutrition among children.


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