Madrasas in Baghlan charged for promoting extremism


PUL-I-KHUMRI (SW): Civil society activists and university students in Baghlan province claim a madrasa [religious school] named “Ayisha Sidiqa Madrasa” is promoting extremism in the province, a claim rejected by the madrasa management.

Mohammad Atif Arifyan, a civil society activist, told Salam Watandar at least 300 girls are enrolled in this madrasa. “These girls are against watching television or women working outside their homes”, informed Arifyan. Osman Sherzai, another civil society activist, said the administrators of this madrasa want to expand their teachings to the rest of the province.

Abdul Qayum Shariity, a university lecturer, also claimed the madrasa has negative effect on the families of the students. “Such madrasas teach extremism and radicalism, and have spread negative views about religious schools in general”, added Shariity.

Mohammad Paikan Haidary, director for education in the province, told Salam Watandar investigating such matter is the duty of security and intelligence agencies. According to the provincial directorate of education, 35 madrasas are registered with the directorate that teach curriculum approved by the education directorate under the instructions of the Ministry of Education. “The registered madrasas are monitored by the directorate of education”, informed Haidary.

Salam Watandar tried to have the views of the students at the madrasa, but the girls were not willing.

Mohammad Mustafa Farih Rezwan, the director of the Ayisha Sidiqa Madrasa, rejected the allegations. He charged the television channels in the country are broadcasting ludicrous shows. “Our curriculum is based on the Holly Quran and the Hadith. We do not have any agenda against the government”, claimed Rezwan.

The “Ayisha Sidiqa Madrasa” is a branch of the “Ashraf-ul-Madaris” in Kunduz which made headlines 3 years ago for promoting extremism.


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