Government urged not to repatriate the teachers of Afghan-Turk School to Turkey


KABUL (SW): Committee of Families of Afghan-Turk school’s students said that the curriculum of these schools must not be altered and Afghanistan must not repatriate the Turkish teachers to Turkey.

Sediqullah Tawhidi, a member of the committee of families of Afghan-Turk school’s students said signing the agreement to hand over the management of these schools to the Turkish government was illegal, however, if the government of Afghanistan is committed to this agreement, then the government must not allow the curriculum of these schools to be altered and the Turkish teachers must not be repatriated.

Gulbahar Denlar, one of the teachers of the Afghan-Turk schools told Salam Watandar that teachers of these schools have spent their personal money on improving the Afghan-Turk schools, and handing over the management of these schools to the Turkish government is a sign of opposition to education and seeking knowledge.

Denlar added that if Turkey had interest in supporting education in Afghanistan, they could have set up and funded separate schools in the country.

Some 17 days ago, the Afghan government announced that they have agreed to demands of the Turkish government to hand over the management of the Afghan-Turk schools to the Turkish government.

This agreement sparked opposition from the families and students of the Afghan-Turk schools and brought a crowd of protesters on the streets; however, the protests had no significant effect on the decision of the Afghan government.

Afghan-Turk Schools have been among the most prestige and well-known schools in Afghanistan in the last 20 years.

The students from these schools have gained remarkable positions in the university entrance examinations as well as in the regional knowledge and educational competitions.


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