NANGARHAR (SW): Several projects worth $22.5 million are launched in the districts of Achin, Kot, Shirzad, Khogyani, Chaparhar, and Rudat in Nangarhar province, officials of the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock announced today (Tuesday).
At the opening ceremony, Nasir Ahmad Durani, the Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation, and Livestock, called on the development councils in the villages to cooperate in the implementation of these projects. The construction of chicken and fish farms, fruit gardens and irrigation systems are among these projects.
With the commencement of the construction of these projects, 30,000 people will be directly employed and more than 100,000 will be indirectly employed. Minister Durani added that until next year, several greenhouses will be built with the capacity of 5,000 tons in 10 provinces of the country.
At the ceremony, the governor of Nangarhar, Gulab Mangal, said these projects would reduce poppy cultivation and will strengthen the economy of the local families. The contracts for these projects were signed with the financial support of the U.S. last month, and the work on the projects started today.