BAMIYAN(SW):Bamiyan province is blessed with high and green mountains which make perfect safe havens for the migrating and indigenous birds.
As season changes and summer arrives, there is a flow of different birds’ species arriving in Bamiyan city where they are welcomed by the indigenous birds.
There are a number of hunters who are equipped with guns and nets ambushing in the foothills to hunt the most beautiful and scarce birds.
The sound of a gunshot always disturbs the pleasant singing of the birds and brings hatred to the natural beauty and each gunshot stands for a life and this is a story which repeats every summer in Bamiyan.
Recently civil activists visited Bamiyan’s tourist attractions most notably Band-e-Amir where they talked to locals about this very issue.
They said that hunting the birds was not the only issue but a growing tendency towards catching fish from Band-e-Amir was also a matter of huge concerns as the generation of the fishes has begun to decline.
Abdullah Shayegan, Responsible for Justice Committee for Countering Admin Corruption in Bamiyan, said if the government didn’t pay attention to prevent fishing and hunting the rare birds like eagle, the province would soon be bereft of fishes and birds.
Zaheer Ehasani, a member of Association for Environment Preservation in Bamiyan, told Salamwatandar that fishing and hunting the birds were on the rise in the province which have imbalanced the order of the nature.
He said that Bamiyan is famous for its green and beautiful nature but some people have turned the province into their private source of income and they never value the beauty of the province.
The president through a degree has strictly banned hunting the birds all over the country.
The birds’ smugglers sell their products abroad and illicitly export them to the countries like Pakistan and United Arab Emirates.
Lagzai, Bamiyan Police Chief, said that they have arrested five hunters and smugglers over the past year who attempted to smuggle 10 eagles abroad.
Currently, more than 500 species of indigenous birds have been identified in the country.