Takhar health workers on strike against non-payment of salaries



TALUQAN (SW) – Doctors and health workers in Takhar's Kokcha River region have resigned due to non-payment of their salaries and have stopped providing health services in these areas.

Dasht-e Qala, Khwajah-e-Bahaudin, Khwajah Ghar, Darqad, Yangi-e-Qala, Chah-e-Ab and Rustaq districts are among the areas worst affected.

Dr. Nasim Shaker, head of the health department in Yangi Qala district, told Salam Watandar that not all health workers across Takhar have received their salaries for six months, and that is why they have resigned.

Shaker said that under the contract of the Ministry of Public Health, the Takhar health workers are hired by a non-governmental organization called Ahaid, but the organization has not yet paid their salaries for six months.

According to the head of the health department of Yengi-Qala district, the non-governmental organization has signed a contract with the Ministry of Public Health for the completion of medicine and financial accounts.

Doctors also blamed the government for not providing any assistance to the health centers to fight the coronavirus.

A number of residents of the districts also said that health center employees do not examine patients because their salaries have not been paid.

We were unable to obtain the views of the officials of the non-governmental organization Ahaid in Takhar.

But, director health, Nasrullah Ghazizadah said he has raised the issue with the leadership of the Ministry of Public Health. According to him, the officials of this ministry have promised that they will solve this problem.


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