Troubling trend of bribery spreading roots


KABUL (SW) – A troubling trend of bribery seems fast spreading roots particularly in the capital Kabul, a number of the capital city residents said.

In conversation with Salam Watandar, a number of taxi drivers said the traffic police in particular is blatantly taking bribes from them more often than not. They said some traffic wardens even take weekly bribes of up to AFN 1000 from different commercial vehicles in the city. They also acknowledged the traffic police wardens even take a meager amount of AFN 100 to evade the otherwise legal fine of AFN 500.

When contacted, Khan Mohammad Shinwari, director traffic in Kabul, said all sorts of cash fines taken by the wardens except for the proper invoiced penalties are absolutely illegal. He said in case of bribery, the complainants can refer to the investigation depart of traffic along with documented proof for legal actions.

However, psychologist Zulia Mirzaey, said the prevailing trend of bribery promotes injustice, lack of respect for state and chaos in a society.

It is a known fact that bribery has become an integral part of administrative corruption in Afghanistan, but what sees more worrisome is the indifference towards this social menace.


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