KABUL (SW): The Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) has named the Kol-e-Hashmat Khan in Kabul as a protected site and National Park.
The MAIL has expressed resolve to safeguard this site as a historic heritage. Lutfullah Rashid, spokesman for the MAIL, has said the place has its significance as natural habitat for a variety of birds, particularly migratory birds, and other wild animals.
“The Kol-e-Hashmat Khan area has been named as a protected site and National Park, previously three other sites in various parts of the country have been named as protected sites and National Parks”, he said. According to the MAIL officials, up to 40 hectors of land in the Kol-e-Hashmat Khan has been encroached upon, but efforts would be ensured to protect the rest from encroachment.