FAIZABAD (SW) – Residents in Badakhshan province claim a multi-million dollar irrigation canal has caused troubles to their agriculture land instead of benefiting it.
The water supply canal in the provincial capital, Faiz Abad, was completed in 14 months with the expense of over $ 5 million provided by the World Bank. The locals said it was promised the project would help irrigate thousands of acres of land, but use of substandard material in this project has resulted in it causing troubles instead of benefits.
Two such residents of the province, Kherullah and Sher Mohammad, said only one part of the canal was competed, and many parts remain to be completed. They noted that some 300 meters of the project remain incomplete in the Qargh desert area of the city. They said the water has completed destroyed a valley.
However, officials in the Kokcha River irrigation zone assert that the project aimed at irrigating up to 850 hectors of land has been completed, and only few minor technical issues remain to be solved.
Sadruddin, director programs in the Kokcha River irrigation zone, told Salam Watandar that the issues would soon be resolved, and those buildings facing destructions would be reconstructed by the private firms.
Officials said this project in Faizazad was divided in five parts, four of which are completed, and the issues related to the final part have been shared with the Ministry of Water and Power.