SHEBERGHAN (SW): Heavy snow and avalanches have claimed the lives of at least 27 children in Jawzjan province..
On Thursday, officials confirmed the children died in a mountainous district Darzab in the Jawzjan province in a week’s time. Rehmatullah Hashar, chief of the province, said the death occurred due to heavy snow and closure of roads leading to the nearby urban centers where health services could have been provided.
These deaths occurred in Sar Dara, Qosh Tarblaq and Bibi Maryam villages in the district.
According to the United Nations Office of Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA), about half a million, more than 580,000 people – 84,257 families – to be exact, had been displaced within Afghanistan. Earlier this week, the humanitarian community in Afghanistan launched an appeal for $ 550 million to aid and support needy Afghans. In 2017, the humanitarian community projects that 9.3 million people – around one-third of the population – will be in need of humanitarian assistance, a 13 per cent increase on last year.